About Us

We are the Indiana State Air & Space Forces Association.

Indiana AFA State Officers

President: L.D. “Chick” Duncan, Evansville, in.president@chapter-site-admin

VP: Mil Compo

Secretary-Treasurer: Mark Brugh,

Education: Frank Merrill, Education

Indiana Chapter AFA Officers – Presidents

AF141: P-47 Memorial Chapter, Evansville IN – Southwest (Active)
      L.D. Chick Duncan, IN141.p47memorial.president@afa.org.

      Has an excellent Facebook Group: Follow AFA Chapter 141 – P47 Memorial

AF143: Fort Wayne Chapter, Fort Wayne IN – Northeast (Active)
      Brandon Monticue, IN143.fortwayne.president@afa.org

AF150: Central Indiana Chapter, Indianapolis IN – Central Indiana (Active)
       Richard L. Griffith, IN150.centralin.president@afa.org

AF152: Grissom Memorial Chapter, Kokomo IN Mid-North Central (Inactive)

AF348: Southern Indiana Chapter, Bloomington IN – Mid-South Central (Active)
         Craig Spanburg, IN348.southernindiana.president@afa.org 

AF411: Lawrence D Bell Museum Chapter, South Bend IN – Northwest (Inactive)

If you are located in an Inactive Chapter area, send your questions or comments to Chick Duncan